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TOBITATE! Young Ambassador Program

“Japan Public-Private Partnership Student Study Abroad Program -TOBITATE! Young Ambassador Program-” is a support program for studying abroad set up through the cooperation of the government and private companies with the policy of sending 120,000 students to study overseas by 2020. As well as providing generous scholarships and other aids, students can take the opportunity to hone their competencies as global talent.


Students can design flexible study abroad programs based on their own ideas, not only classroom learning, but including?study that focuses on cross-cultural experiences overseas and hands-on activities (internships, volunteer work), students aim to obtain opportunities for diverse experiences and experiences encouraging them to think for themselves and act.


Hands-on activities are not classroom learning or knowledge accumulation but indicate learning activities (internships, field work, volunteer work, project-based learning, etc.) that enable students to obtain diverse learning from “contact with the real world.”

Offered Courses

Natural Sciences / Cross-disciplinary Course


Study in science and engineering fields
Initiatives with features such as research in cutting edge areas

E.g. Learning, research and development, internships, field work
In particular, we support study abroad involving initiatives and activities leading to the creation of new industries in the environment and energy sector, the life sciences sector, the ICT sector, the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector and the manufacturing sector

Emerging Economies Course


Study abroad in emerging countries (in Asia, for example.) where growth is expected in the future

E.g. Research, internships, field work and volunteer work in emerging countries
Envisaged countries and regions: SE Asian (ASEAN) countries, South Asian (SAARC) countries, Middle Eastern countries, African countries, Latin American countries, etc.
*Targets are the field of humanities and social sciences

World-leading Institutions Course


Study abroad aiming to acquire high level education and specialization by attending classes (obtaining course credits)at the world-leading institutions, such as the ones placed within the top 100 in the world university ranking,

E.g. Learning, internships, field work, etc.
Envisaged universities: University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Harvard University, Brown University, etc..
*Targets are the field of humanities and social sciences

Unique Challenge Course


Study carried out in each field by talent from whom success is expected in the future.

E.g. Learning, volunteer work, internships, field work, etc.
Envisaged people: Talent from whom success is expected in diverse fields such as sports, art, politics, public administration, education, media, tourism, fashion and Japanese culture, talent involved in activities aiming to start a business or cooperate internationally, or talent involved in reconstruction support activities

Summary of Requirements for Applicants

  • Students with Japanese nationality or students with permanent residence in Japan
  • Being?enrolled in the University of Fukui as a regular student (students taking time off from their studies are also allowed to apply)
  • As a rule, to meet the financial criteria of the Japan Student Services Organization’s Type II scholarship.
    Please fill out the written statement of financial status and submit it with necessary supporting documents to the International Affairs Division in order to confirm meeting of the financial criteria..
  • Students of 30 years old or under.
  • To start the study abroad within a defined time period (intended duration: 28 days to 2 years. 3 months or 篮球比分网,篮球比分直播 is recommended, although shorter period of stay may also be eligible for applicants of the first overseas challenge framework adopted in around 10% of the total)
  • A plan with at least one host institution.
  • A plan including hands-on activities

*For details, check the application guidelines of each term


  1. Monthly scholarship:
    ?120,000 – ?200,000/month (varies depending on the area of destination)
    *A flat ?100,000 is to be provided in the case where the financial criteria are not met (adopted by around 10% of total).
  2. Arrangement Fees:
    • Participation fee for training before departure and on return
    • Part of the round-trip travel expenses (?100,000 for the Asian region, ?200,000 for regions other than Asia)
  3. Tuition Fees:
    Equivalent amount to the tuition fees at the host institution (tuition fees and registration fees)
    (Study abroad for a year or less: up to ?300,000 / for over 1 year: up to ?600,000)

inspirationE.g. In the case of a student who attends a vocational school for 10 months in the USA (state of Oregon), and at the same time does a related internship…
Monthly scholarship ?160,000 x 10 months
Tuition fees ?300,000
Airfare ?200,000
?2,100,000 + travel costs for participating in pre- and post- training

Please refer to the video below in which you can understand the appeal of the program in a short time.

Advice on Seeking to Pass

check Create a distinctive plan for studying abroad that only you can carry out

check Read the application guidelines carefully. In particular, deepen your understanding of “the image of the talent we are looking for”, and be aware of that image when you fill in the application

check Have a clear idea for why you want to study abroad, and why it is necessary. In particular, be well aware that studying abroad is not your goal, and consider how the study abroad experience will be beneficial for Japan and yourself in the future.

check The written plan for studying abroad should be logical and easy to understand, and should be concretely described. You should include what you have tackled until now to work toward studying abroad, and what you will tackle on your return.

check Create a feasible plan for studying abroad, and prepare well for pursuing the plan.

Numbers of Successful UF Applicants

1st term (Departure between August and March, 2014):? 2
2nd term (Departure between April and October, 2015):? 2
3rd term (Departure between August and March, 2015):? 1
4th term (Departure between April and October, 2016):?? 1

Stories and Messages of Successful UF Applicants

1st term : Kosuke Imai

Hiroto ImaiFor around 3 months from September 22, 2014 to December 12, 2014, I stayed in USA to do research at the University of Massachusetts Lowell to try to solve an energy problem, and did an internship for a week at a Silicon Valley venture business (B-Bridge International, Inc.) to learn about overseas marketing and international culture.
I met people active in various fields during the stay, and it was intriguing that all of them said “they never thought they would have studied or run a business in USA”. Among these was a woman who went to USA. when she was 45 years old to enroll on a doctoral course and started a venture business. On this stay, in addition to acquiring expertise through the research, there was the large return of realizing that my future has great potential.
“In your life from now, you are at your youngest now.” Whatever you are starting, it is certainly never too late. Study abroad is the same. It is not easy to decide to study abroad, due to the anxiety of living in an unfamiliar environment and the language barrier, but wherever your destination is, you will definitely discover new encounters and a world unknown to you, and you will acquire new dreams and results beyond your goals. Everyone should take the plunge once and try to take off!

2nd term: Takahiro Tajima

Keita TajimaBased on the motivation of wanting to feel up close European musical culture and education, with a focus on Germany, and wanting to reform Japanese musical education, I am studying at the Hamburger Konservatorium (Hamburg, Germany) from October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2017. The first year of the studies, I took a special course for international students at the Hamburger Konservatorium, and as well as aiming to strengthen my German and improve my musical skills focused on vocal music, in Europe, which is the home of classical music, I am learning the connection between people and classical music and the nature of music other than classical music. In the 2nd year of studies after the special international student course has finished, I will take a teacher training course and together with local students, I will also learn about current German musical education. Comparing with the current Japanese musical education and musical culture, by considering from the viewpoint of Japanese musical education, I am keen on acquiring the ability required to be a music teacher with a global perspective. In addition, in order to practice the results from the Konservatorium, I am planning to observe lessons at a Hamburg elementary school, support the lessons, and practice a lesson as a guest teacher.

3rd term: Shota Takeuchi

Shota TakeuchiFor 11 months from October 2015 to August 2016, I am studying abroad to do research on fires at CESARE, the fire research institute at Victoria University in Australia. Bushfires are a serious problem in Australia, and every year causes a great amount of damage. To keep the damage from bushfires to a minimum, there exist research institutes that specialize in fires in Australia. CESARE, which I currently belong to, is one such research institute.
At the University of Fukui, it is not bushfires I am researching but fires that occur in tunnels. My theme is how quickly and reliably the smoke caused by the tunnel fire can be emitted outside the tunnel, and I am researching daily methods to emit smoke in order to ensure the safety of tunnel users. At the University of Fukui research lab, we built a model tunnel and actually lit fires inside it to gather data, but this kind of experiment takes time and effort. In order to get around this problem, at CESARE I use a simulator to collect data. I am struggling to get used to operate the simulator, but I will endeavor to get results by August 2016 when my study at CESARE ends.