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Warning on COVID-19

Updated on Apr. 6, 2020


To all students, faculty and staff members,


University of Fukui


Warning on COVID-19


In Fukui Prefecture, at this moment, 篮球比分网,篮球比分直播 than 50 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported. Its spreading in the prefecture has not been stopped, and it is very dangerous situation now.

In order to minimize the risk of the infection of yourselves, and to protect your loved ones, for the time being, please keep taking your temperature at home every day. And if you have a fever of 37.5 degree Celsius (99.5 degree Fahrenheit) or higher, feelings of fatigue or difficulty in breathing, please take a rest by staying at home, refraining from overwork and going outside, as requested by the Governor of Fukui prefecture.

And also, please take actions to avoid “3C’s”. (1) Closed spaces with bad ventilation, (2) Crowded places with many people nearby, and (3) Close-contact settings, such as close-range conversations. And continue following proper coughing etiquette and washing hands with soap or alcohol frequently.

Further篮球比分网,篮球比分直播, since confirmed cases and death tolls of the disease are increasing every day, please cancel non-urgent, non-essential travels, neither international nor domestic. And also, please refrain from going out from home if it is non-urgent, non-essential.

For students, due to the delayed start of classes, one month of waiting time at home has been engendered, in the situation of still-keep-spreading infection. However, please never consider to utilize the waiting time for travelling in any kinds or having party. It would lead you to higher risk of catching the virus, and at the same time, it could be an action to spreading the infection all over the country.

<Reference Homepages>

1. COVID-19 by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)

2. MHLW (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) home page

3. Avoid 3C’s by MHLW
English:? https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/10900000/000615287.pdf
Chinese:? https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/10900000/000615318.pdf

4. A request to Fukui Residents regarding the Novel Coronavirus by Fukui Prefecture
English:? https://www.pref.fukui.lg.jp/doc/kenkou/kansensyo-yobousessyu/corona_d/fil/200323-2.pdf
Chinese:? https://www.pref.fukui.lg.jp/doc/kenkou/kansensyo-yobousessyu/corona_d/fil/200323-3.pdf

│ April 7th, 2020 │